This started out as an idea to have a team page for BOINC projects. Check it out here. Briefly, BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) is a program through the University of California Berkeley that lets your computer participate in a range of scientific projects. Data are parsed out in small packets called Work Units. These WUs are sent out to participants. Your computer processes these data over the course of several hours. Results are then sent back to the researcher where they are rejoined with their data brethren.
To sum up, you donate some of your unused CPU to solving scientific questions from cures for cancer, best materials for photovoltaic solar cells, or even hearing a call from ET.
Citizen Science Works is currently active on two projects. The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) and World Community Grid.
Joining is simple. Just follow the links in this post or in the Links Tab on the right. Create an account, download the BOINC Manager, and then let your computer process data for researchers.
Participants are also encouraged to join teams or create their own! Of course there is a Citizen Science Works team for SETI and the World Community Grid. Feel free to join. It's open to all!